
Current Projects


Komturstraße 18A 
12099 Berlin

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Our competence is building!

We are a medium-sized, family-run company characterized by a streamlined hierarchy, which allows for efficient and agile decision-making processes. We strive to maximize the value-added chain, starting from our meticulous work preparation and integrated BIM calculations, through procurement, and culminating in the construction phase.

This organizational structure benefits both our company and our valued clients. It positions us favorably for tackling projects involving complex construction logistics and challenging technical conditions. Furthermore, we meet the stringent requirements of LEED and DGNB certification systems, as well as adhere to all prevailing standards and regulations. Occupational health and safety hold paramount importance for us, constituting an integral component of our daily construction operations. We invest in training our employees in this area to ensure compliance and maintain a safe working environment.

KoHa-Voltair-vorher KoHa-Voltair


The purchasing department is a vital component of our construction projects, laying the foundation for success. It involves the meticulous selection of materials based on their quality, ensuring cost compliance, and effectively awarding contracts to suppliers and subcontractors. Our purchasing team establishes a robust network of reliable suppliers and subcontractors, emphasizing sustainability and leveraging our own qualifications to achieve success in procurement.

BIM Department

In our ongoing commitment to delivering the highest level of technical excellence in construction and project development, we have established a dedicated BIM (Building Information Modelling) department. This initiative empowers us to create virtual 3D models of all construction projects, enabling precise determination of component quantities, generation of construction tender texts for accurate costing, and informed decision-making throughout the project lifecycle. Moreover, the implementation of BIM optimizes work processes at our organization, facilitating efficient project management and ensuring precise invoicing of services rendered.

Construction process simulation

Construction process simulation

Construction process simulation

Demanding Projects

Underground Station Superstructure

Challenge: The installation of the main bridge girders (length up to 24 meters and weight up to 42 tons) occurred during the nightly suspension of underground services. The girders were produced on-site under confined conditions, often referred to as a "field factory."


Lid Construction

The "Deckelbauweise," a distinctive construction technique used for excavating deep foundations in constrained areas, offers several advantages. This method enables construction in two simultaneous directions, both downwards and upwards, resulting in a significant reduction in construction time.

Building in HafenCity

During the construction phase in HafenCity Hamburg, it is imperative to implement special flood protection measures to ensure continuous safety and resilience against potential flooding.

In-situ Concrete Curtain Wall

A notable characteristic of the project was the incorporation of a non-load-bearing curtain façade constructed using in-situ concrete.

Architectural Facade

The façade structure was meticulously crafted using custom-designed matrices incorporated into the formwork. The result is a striking and vibrant façade that serves as a noteworthy architectural highlight.